Infrared Sauna Pod for Sale

Matt Justice

Every wellness enthusiast has heard of the benefits of saunas. When the tradition of sauna bathing started, it was a hygienic and social activity. But over time, those who frequent gyms and spas started to like the effect of sauna sessions and are inching towards buying one. Today, infrared saunas are less social and typically meant for individual bathing. With this in mind, manufacturers have started making smaller saunas and have now come down to infrared sauna pods.

When compared to dry saunas, these pods are more cost effective and energy efficient. Twenty minutes in one of these saunas can be great for your health. Apart from feeling more rested and relaxed, you also feel relief if you have sore muscles and can improve overall health and well-being.

They are particularly great for those who do not like the high temperatures of a traditional pod which heats the air in the room and in turn heats your body. Infrared sauna pods on the other hand use light which penetrates about an inch and a half into the body without heating the heat in the air.

They also have a lot of health benefits like:

  • Better sleep
  • Relaxation
  • Improved circulation
  • Relief from joint pain such as arthritis
  • Help for people with chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Clear and tighter skin

These pods have a cushioned bed on which you can lie down. The IR lights are attached to the top of the pod which closes over your body from shoulders down.

You could also get an outdoor sauna pod that resembles a regular IR sauna and comes in different styles and sizes. Like regular IR saunas, pods also heat the body directly instead of heating the air in the pod. The heat vibrates water molecules in the body and causes them to break down. This causes you to sweat. Many manufacturers are making pods that offer the full range of infrared rays. This includes near-infrared, mid-infrared and far-infrared radiation. It gives you the benefit of the whole spectrum of this radiation.

Near IR rays are emitted through large red bulbs and using them is sometimes also referred to as red light therapy. It helps blood circulation, promotes cell regeneration and rejuvenates your skin. Far IR radiation supposedly helps with relaxation. It heats your core and helps keep bacteria out. It also helps your metabolic rate and helps with lymphatic cleansing.

Sauna pods, while being a bit of a luxury, offer several benefits. Some of them have a non-porous interior lining. This helps maintain sanitation unlike wooden saunas which require regular cleaning. Some of them are also lined with jades that have healing properties.

Sauna pods can be used as often as an IR sauna. The key to using both is to keep the sessions reasonably timed and stay hydrated. The rules are also the same. Do not go in if you are under the influence of alcohol or other narcotics, pregnant or have pre-existing health conditions which deem saunas bad for you. Consult your physician in case you have any doubts. Do not apply lotions or oils on your skin and stay away from food for one to two hours before the session. After a session, try to eat as healthily as possible. If you want company, you can always opt for a double sauna. The pod is designed for maximum comfort as it keeps you in a horizontal position.

Where Can I Find One?

That’s a tricky thing. At the moment, sauna pods are a niche product. They are few and far between with most of them being at spas and offered as a service. But we found a few options for you.

Cocoon Aqua Hydration Pod

This one by Wellness USA is a combination of dry and infrared heat. The pod delivers IR radiation like dry heat which makes it closer to a traditional sauna experience. The pod also comes with (full-body) vibratory massage, aromatherapy by infusing essential oils in the pod and the experience of salt air. The manufacturer claims pain relief, stress reduction and relaxation as the main benefits along with detoxification and weight loss.

Click here for more information.

Cocoon Fitness Pod

Here’s another cocoon sauna pod from Wellness USA. This pod also provides a full-body massage which is ergonomically in a personal pod, enabled by synchronized vibration transducers. There is also a cooling facial air system in these pods.

It comes with a wellness exercise system and an adjustable thermal dual heat sauna which means the temperature can be moved up to up to 192 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also adjust the session time, duration and intensity of the massage. The pod system also allows aromatherapy by infusing essential oils into the system. The bed is ergonomic and comes with an optional jade mat. The pod has several lights to manage and benefit your moods. There is an easy access hand port with all the necessary controls. The shell is designed to be free from germs by resisting stains and retaining its glossy look. The manufacturer claims that it has been personalized for a rejuvenating experience for the mind and body and helps holistic fitness and weight management.

Click here for more information.

The Infrared Jade Sauna Pod

This one is from Vivo Wellness and claims to have many healing effects thanks to the infrared lighting and jade stones which are meant to help with weight loss. The manufacturer claims that they burn up to 600 calories in a 30-minute session. If you have lymphatic problems and are seeking relief, the infrared jade sauna pod with its long-term reduction of cellulite might just solve it for you.

Click here for more information.

The Bottom Line

A sauna pod encapsulates that experience of energized, heated air and cycles it through the pod. This results in the generation of intense levels of heat. The temperatures can be adjusted and one of the biggest advantages sauna pods have over saunas is for those who suffer from claustrophobia. The pod allows you to keep your head outside and breathe fresh while your body gets the treatment it needs and deserves.


About Matt Justice

Read Matt Justice sauna reviews, health story, and more here on - You can find the recommended sauna detox binders here on Amazon and here on YouTube.

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